Thursday, September 16, 2010

Incoming Reflection

This picture was taken from

This is my first semester at FGCU, when I got my class schedule and saw University Colloquium I had no idea what to expect. After I had read about the class I was hesitant, but since it is a requirement I had no choice but to take it. I really did not know what to expect from this class and why FGCU made Colloquium a requirement to graduate from the university.
Ever since I was young I always liked playing outside and getting dirty. As I got older that changed a little bit, I still like being outside and doing activities that involve being outdoors. I cannot really say I have much experience exploring the wilderness because I have never been the type to go camping, hiking, or on nature walks. I am more into sports, horseback riding, and atv runs. I also am aware of the harm we are doing to our planet. I don’t liter and I try to recycle as much as I can, but I know that I can do more for our planet.
My goal for this class is to go in with an open mind and experience everything we do in this class with a positive attitude. The things we will be learning in this class I will take with me for the rest of my life. I also want to get more involved with the wilderness and become more active in my community in trying to help as much as I can. One person can make a difference and maybe that one person can be me.

This is a pciture I took from an airplane
on my way to the Virgin Islands!
My favorite place I have been so far.
  If you really sit back and think about our planet is AMAZING! It has been around for 1,000 and 1,000 of years. How mountain ranges form on there own, or rivers are created, it is a spectacular thing. I truly am thankful everyday for this life we live.

This is a video I posted that I have found on youtube called Four Season. It is a short clip about the four seasons and the images it shows are amazing. It makes me realize how beautiful nature really is. We also need to do anything we can to help peserve our planet and keep it as beuaitful as it is for as long as possible. One person can make a differnce!

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