Monday, September 27, 2010

Ecological Footprint

Picture was taken from images footprint
This quiz makes me feel very guilty of everything I do on a daily basis. The average person is suppose to use 4.5 acres and my score was 6.1. So I am over the average person which means I need to adjust my habits. My highest consumption is my food. I do no buy anything organic and I think I have to research more and begin to eat better. I know that my mom is always concerned with the electricity that we use in the house and always trying to find a way to save as much as possible. So at home I can not say that I save as much as possible because it really is my mom that does it. Everyone in my family can always improve there behaviors. I did not know that food was such a big part of our daily consumption and would be such a big part. All I know about organic food is that it is more expensive and since I am a poor college student at Publix I always buy the cheapest things I can find. Now, I am realizing that this is not the best thing for me. I should be more considerate of what I am putting in my body. This is going to be the first change that I make.

 Fuel usage- I do use my car everyday and several times a day. I go to school Monday- Thursday and when I have more then an hour break in between classes I go back to my apartment and then drive back to school. Some times I drive to and from school twice a day. I also go to the gym Monday-Friday which means that is another trip that I do using my car. I put gas in my car at least once a week. There are definitely some changes that I can make with my fuel usage. I live about two miles from campus so I could buy a bike and when the temperature goes down ride a bike to class. Also instead of going back to my apartment in between classes I could just stay on campus. Lastly, instead of making two different trips from school then the gym I could go straight from campus to the gym and cut out one drive daily.

Picture was taken images cartoon car
Food intake- I do watch what I eat so I eat 5 small meals at day. After this quiz that I have taken I am going to begin and starting buying organic food.
Picture was taken images food

Water use- I drink about 4 liters of water everyday and I do drink out of plastic containers. I do not throw away my bottle of water every time I finish drinking it because I refill them as much as possible. I do always recycle my plastic bottles.

Picture was taken images water

 Packaging- Everything that does come in a package I am always aware if I can recycle it. At my apartment I do recycle everything possible and I am also getting my roommates into the habit as well. If I am in a place that does not have a place to recycle I will keep the item and just recycle it when I can.

Picture was taken images recycle

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