Sunday, November 21, 2010


"You can give a man a fish, and feed him for the day,
Teach a man to fish, and feed him for a lifetime"
(quote from the film we saw)

The ECHO field trip was very enlightening because I feel passionate about what our tour guide was speaking about. She was speaking about helping others and how spreading the concern and love for helping others is crucial to the improvement of our planet as a whole. ECHO stands for Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization. This is a Christian non-for profit organization where the mission is to bring glory to good by using science and technology to help the poor. ECHO has replica land fields to learn how to grow the best for each particular environment, including 6 different climate settings.ECHO has helped over 180 countries around the world.

The Neem Tree was the most interesting plant we saw because it can be used for almost anything. It is used to cure funguses, lice, the bark can be used as a tooth brush, or it can be soaked in water and used as a pest repellent on plants.

My mom is very into growing her own plants and having a garden. Every morning she goes outside to water her plants and keep her garden well kept. I am not as into gardening as she is but  I have noticed that when I eat vegetables from her garden it is so much more fresh then what we can get at the supermarket. This makes me want to be more into gardening but my excuse is always that I do not have enough time. But, these kinds of things I need to start making time for. It is something I need to work on.

Overall this field trip was a good experience and as the semester continues I realize how important this class. It teaches us so much about things we can do to help our living conditions and how at the same time we are helping our earth. We need to do as much as we can to preserve it for the people who are going to be here after us.

-photos taken by me-

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