Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mantanza Pass Preserve & 20/20

                                                      MANTANZA PRESERVE


 Showing up at the Fort Myers Beach Cottage I was in shock at how old it looked. I was under the impression that it was old and has withstood a lot of experience and history, but going inside reassured this feeling. Inside there were pictures from when this cottage was the only thing on the beach and went directly from cottage to sand to ocean. Now there are roads and another strip of stores blocking this ancient beauty from showing. A woman Josephine Hughes spoke about the history of the cottage and how so much in our society has changed. She also explained something I thought was an interesting way to look at our life. She said that every other species has learned to live with humans; we are the only species that has not learned to live among others.

The walk on the boardwalk was very interesting because we were literally walking in between mangroves and it was also very peaceful. The boardwalk is also made out of all recycled products which I thought was awesome. It shows that people are taking into consideration of reusing their trash because you can always find a use for something.          

 "Someone's trash is another persons treasure"

At one point while we were walking through the boardwalk we came across this little house that gave us a beautiful view of the bay and while we were there we saw two dolphins swim by. I thought that was amazing because I love dolphins and those are animals you do not see everyday. That was a great moment!

photo taken from

This is the first time I hear about the 20/20 program and I think this is a great idea! I think we need more awareness and to get the word out to other people about what is happening in our environment and things to improve it. This website has daily news about what is going on and also has a calender of each month and the events or projects that are happening as well. After looking at this website I am very interested in one day in the near future I would like to visit one of these preserves.

How do you feel about using tax dollars for land preservation?
I agree with using tax dollars to preserve our land because I think that if we left it up to private businesses they would not have the proper funding to preserve the land. It is up to us as citizens and the citizens money to use their money wisely and preserve the other species on our planet. (interviewed an FGCU student)

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