Saturday, December 4, 2010

Final Impressions


I can not believe the semester is already over! I have to say I REALLY enjoy this class. I was very surprised that I liked it as much as I did. There was a lot of work that had to be turned in but if you kept up with it then it was good. The wiki group project was fun as well because I got to work closely with students in my class.

Now I can relate to every other student that told me you are going to come out of Colloquium loving it.Before I took the course I did not understand why but now I do. I have a better out look on life and more aware of what is happening to our planet. Now I am more cautious about what I buy and if I will be able to recycle it. Also, I am more involved in our community and I have continued to do community service hours as well.

I really enjoyed everything and had a great time!!! Thank you Professor Davis :)

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